Plantar fasciitis/Arch support
Video tutorial: Hi, my name is Michael Garcia. I'm a massage therapist and athletic therapist. We're here at forma optima athletic therapy to demonstrate how to apply an arch tape...
Plantar fasciitis/Arch support
Video tutorial: Hi, my name is Michael Garcia. I'm a massage therapist and athletic therapist. We're here at forma optima athletic therapy to demonstrate how to apply an arch tape...
Top of foot pain
Video tutorial: Hi, my name is Michael Garcia. I'm a massage therapist and athletic therapist at form optimal athletic therapy. I am working with Mobility Tape to demonstrate how to...
Top of foot pain
Video tutorial: Hi, my name is Michael Garcia. I'm a massage therapist and athletic therapist at form optimal athletic therapy. I am working with Mobility Tape to demonstrate how to...
Hamstring support
Video tutorial: Hi, I'm James Gardner, certified athletic therapist Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist to talk to you today about a very common injury called the hamstring strain, hamstring tear...
Hamstring support
Video tutorial: Hi, I'm James Gardner, certified athletic therapist Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist to talk to you today about a very common injury called the hamstring strain, hamstring tear...
Lower back support
Video tutorial: Hi, my name is Brittany and I’m a certified athletic therapist. Today we’re going to be explaining the lower back application. You may be feeling pain or soreness...
Lower back support
Video tutorial: Hi, my name is Brittany and I’m a certified athletic therapist. Today we’re going to be explaining the lower back application. You may be feeling pain or soreness...
How to tape an ankle
Video tutorial: Today we're going over how to tape an ankle with kinesiology tape. This tape job is designed to support movement of the ankle, rather than restrict it, to...
How to tape an ankle
Video tutorial: Today we're going over how to tape an ankle with kinesiology tape. This tape job is designed to support movement of the ankle, rather than restrict it, to...
Neck pain
Video tutorial: My name is Michael Garcia. I'm a massage therapist and athletic Therapist here at form Optima athletic therapy. I'm here to help demonstrate how to apply Mobility Tape...
Neck pain
Video tutorial: My name is Michael Garcia. I'm a massage therapist and athletic Therapist here at form Optima athletic therapy. I'm here to help demonstrate how to apply Mobility Tape...